
咨询 & 学校心理学
文理学院 & 科学


  • 博士学位:乔治华盛顿大学,2008年
  • MS:咨询Radford University, 1993
  • BS:商业街. 约翰·费希尔学院,1988年


Kevin has over ten years of graduate teaching experience in Mental 健康 and School 咨询 programs, and over twenty years of counseling experience working with children, 成人和家庭私人执业, 学校, 机构, 大学咨询, 以及其他治疗项目. 他获得了心理咨询博士学位, 专注于康复领导, 乔治华盛顿大学. Kevin is a Licensed Mental 健康 Counselor; a Permanently Certified School Counselor in New York State; and an Approved Clinical Supervisor. 他是几个奖项的获得者, including the Joseph Kruson Trust Fund Award for Excellence in Teaching (2012 and 2014), 美国康复咨询协会研究奖, and the Association for Specialists in Group Work Emerging Scholar Award. Kevin teaches courses in counseling ethics, family therapy, group work, and substance use disorders.


  • 家庭治疗导论
  • 团体咨询
  • 咨询的专业和道德基础
  • 咨询主题
  • 职业发展和生活方式规划
  • 心理健康咨询基础
  • 精神病理学与鉴别诊断
  • 心理健康、例外和残疾
  • 心理咨询实习
  • 心理健康咨询实习

研究、出版物、 & 演讲


  • 科廷K.A.伯恩,J.S. (2016年4月). Bug-in-the-Eye: Using Netbooks for Effective Live Supervision of 咨询 Students. 30-minute Roundtable Session presented at the American 咨询 Association 2016 Conference and Expo, 蒙特利尔, QC, 加拿大.
  • 科廷K.A.伯恩,J.S.李,K.R. (2015年10月). Bug-in-the-Eye: Using Netbooks for Inexpensive and Effective Live Supervision of Practicum Students. Presented at the Association of Counselor 教育 and Supervision 2015 Conference, 费城, PA.
  • 科廷K.A. (2014年5月). Preparing high school students with emotional disabilities for successful transitions to postsecondary employment and education. Presented at the New York State Career Development Association Statewide Conference, Buffalo, NY.
  • 科廷K.A. (2014年5月). 青春期少女的药物使用情况. Workshop presented at Alfred State College’s Women are Stronger conference, Alfred, NY.
  • Eacho T. C.科廷,K.A.萨赫德夫,n.n.Lindstrom-Johnson, S.布拉德肖,C. (2013年10月). 改善学校氛围,预防高危青少年暴力. Presented at the 18th Annual Conference for Advancing School Mental 健康, Crystal City, VA.
  • 科廷K. A. 每个人都是T. C. (2012年10月). The Glass is Half-Full: Investigating the Factors of Resiliency among Exceptional Youth Living in Underserved Communities. Presented at the 17th Annual Conference for Advancing School Mental 健康, Salt Lake City, UT.
  • 科廷K. A. 施魏策尔,A. (2012年4月). Turning crises into opportunities for insight and change: The use of crisis counseling in mental health settings. Workshop accepted at the New York Mental 健康 Counselors Association 2012 Convention, Albany, NY.
  • Brandow J.大声的,H.瓦格纳,A.贝尼代托,J.基利,P.科廷,K. A. (2012年3月). Investigating the Factors of Resiliency among Exceptional Youth Living in Rural Poverty. Poster presented at the American 咨询 Association Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA.
  • 科廷K. A. (2012年2月). The Social Climate of Multifamily Therapy Groups in a Special 教育 Program. 在小组工作专家协会发表, 2012年全国大会, 阿尔伯克基, NM.
  • 科廷K. A. 每个人都是T. C. (2011年9月). Evaluating the effectiveness of Multifamily Therapy Groups: Members' perspectives on the essential elements. Poster presented at the 16th Annual Conference for Advancing School Mental 健康, Charleston, SC.
  • 科廷K. A. (2010年11月). 抗拒咨询的青少年. Presented at the International Child and Adolescent Conference XV, Minneapolis, MN.
  • 科廷K.A. (2010年4月). Improving employee-readiness for adolescents with emotional and behavioral disorders: A quasi-experimental study. Presented at the Council for Exceptional Children’s 2010 Convention and Expo, Nashville, TN.
  • 科廷K.A. (2010年3月). Utilizing work-based learning activities in the development of employability skills for adolescents with mental illness. Poster presented at the American 咨询 Association Annual Conference & 博览会,匹兹堡,宾夕法尼亚州.
  • 科廷K.A. (2010年3月). The therapeutic community: Not just for addiction, not just for residential. Poster presented at the American 咨询 Association Annual Conference and 博览会,匹兹堡,宾夕法尼亚州.
  • 科廷K.A.(2009年12月). 课堂管理策略:特殊教育的经验教训. 特邀讲座:2009-10系列讲座, 教育改革部, 阿肯色大学, 费耶特维尔, AR.

研究 & 出版物

  • 科廷K. A.史怀哲,A.塔克斯伯里,K.D 'Aoust, J. A. (2016). Investigating the factors of resiliency among exceptional youth living in rural underserved communities. 农村特殊教育季刊,35,3-9.
  • 科廷K. A. (2015). Bug-in-the-Eye Group Supervision for the Development of Facilitation Skills in Psychoeducational Groups. 在米. 路加福音 & K. 古德里奇(Eds.), Group Experts Share their Favorite Activities for Supervision (Vol. 2, pp. 126-131). 亚历山大,弗吉尼亚州:小组工作专家协会.
  • 科廷K.A. 和埃乔,C (2012). Dimensions of social climate as predictors of satisfaction with Multifamily Therapy Groups. 组,36,283-301.
  • 科廷K. A. 加西亚,J。. (2011). Improving work performance for adolescents with emotional and behavioral disorders: A comparison of two work-based learning interventions. 康复杂志,77,31 -39.
  • 科廷K. A. (2010). Developing a therapeutic community for students with emotional disturbance: Guidelines for practice. 《k8彩乐园app官网下载》4,134 -146.
  • 科廷K. A. (1996). Similarities between Rousseau’s discourse on The Origins of Inequality Among Men and concepts in person-centered counseling. 以人为本杂志,3,15-21.
  • 科廷K. A. (1996). 青少年自我中心主义及其与艾滋病的关系. 《k8彩乐园app官网下载》,11,31-40页.
  • 多家庭治疗小组
  • 有特殊需要的学生的弹性因素
  • 服务学习
  • 学术保留
  • 学校的气候


  • k8彩乐园app官网下载2014年优秀教学奖
  • k8彩乐园app官网下载2012年优秀教学奖
  • American Rehabilitation 咨询 Association 研究 Award, March, 2012
  • Association for Specialists in Group Work Emerging Scholar Award, February, 2012
  • The American 咨询 Association Ross Trust Scholarship, January, 2007
  • American Rehabilitation 咨询 Association Doctoral Student Award, March, 2004
  • The Marriott Spirit to Serve Community Service Award, Bethesda, MD, April, 2004
  • Chi Sigma Iota Outstanding Practitioner/Supervisor, The George Washington University, May, 2002
  • 约翰W. Arnn Scholarship for 领导 in 咨询, Radford University, May, 1993

从属关系 & 会员资格

  • 美国心理咨询协会, 美国
  • 辅导员教育与监督协会, 美国
  • 北大西洋辅导员教育与监督协会, 美国
  • 美国心理咨询协会, 美国
  • 纽约州学校辅导员协会 美国


是什么让一个地方变得伟大? 始终如一的辛勤工作的关怀 & 友好的教职员工/. Every person here is a valued member of a living-learning community, and it really shows.
